"Who is Your Favorite Photographer?" with Helen Trompeteler, Deputy Director of Programs at Silver Eye Center for Photography

For the next part of our On Curating Photography series with Helen Trompeteler, Deputy Director of Programs at Silver Eye Center for Photography, we asked about her favorite photographer:

Special Issue Cover of "CAMERAWORK"

Camerawork No. 8 / Lewisham: What are you taking pictures for? (London: Half Moon Photography Workshop, 1977. Cover photograph by Chris Steele-Perkins)

I cannot name just one favorite photographer - I have many that constantly change and evolve! Inevitably, I connect with particular bodies of work due to my changing personal circumstances. I relocated to the US in 2020. While I feel settled in my new home, I am still negotiating a long separation from my family due to Covid. I have experienced that the aftermath of the immigration process creates a constant tension between progress and loss and preoccupation with generational cycles of family and time. Consequently, I especially connect with contemporary photographers whose work explores these in-between psychological spaces associated with migration. Photographers such as Atefeh Farajolahzadeh, Priya Kambli, Kalpesh Lathigra, and Vivian Poey, to name a few.

I have also recently enjoyed returning to twentieth-century emigre photographers whose work I have always cherished. There are some photographers whose work has stayed with me for decades such as Lucia Moholy and André Kertész. However, I am always looking, questioning, learning, and unlearning. Fully embracing these uncertain, even vulnerable, states of knowledge and being is essential to creativity, including curating and writing.